
18 July 2019

Highest ever number of organ donors, despite drop in numbers of people eligible to donate

New figures published today by NHS Blood and Transplant in the annual Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Report show that last year, 1,600 people in the UK donated their organs after they died; saving or improving the lives of 3,941 transplant recipients and giving hope to those still waiting.

16 July 2019

Survey reveals shift in attitudes towards organ donation among black and Asian communities

New funding available for projects to break down barriers to donation in black, Asian, mixed race and minority ethnic communities.

12 July 2019

Hindus and Jains launch campaign to explain change in law on organ donation

A campaign which sets out to raise awareness of the upcoming change in law around organ donation in England was launched at a packed meeting of Hindus and Jains in Parliament on 10 July 2019.

04 July 2019

New consultation to consider guidance for organ and tissue donation and transplant professionals in England

A consultation on proposed changes to the Code of Practice for organ donation and transplant professionals in England has been launched today by the Human Tissue Authority.

02 July 2019

Jersey organ donation law change comes into effect

From 1st July, all adults in Jersey will be considered to have agreed to be an organ donor when they die unless they have opted out, making the decision not to donate.

19 June 2019

New fatwa to clarify Islamic position on organ donation

The new fatwa states that deceased organ donation is permissible in principle, providing all requirements have been met to indicate that the soul has left the body.

12 June 2019

Jains support change in law on organ donation

Jain leaders gathered to support the upcoming change in law on organ donation in England and to explain the change to members of the community.

11 June 2019

Organ donation law change gains Scottish Parliament support

Once Royal Assent is granted, Scotland will join Wales, England and Jersey in moving to an opt out system.

13 May 2019

Take a moment to think about organ donation during Dying Matters Awareness Week

We want to raise awareness of how organ donation law is changing from spring 2020 and highlight the choices available to everyone.

A hand passing a heart-shaped balloon to another hand
25 April 2019

Organ donation law change awareness campaign launches

NHS Blood and Transplant launches a year-long national campaign to increase awareness and understanding of the new organ donation law which comes into place next year, across England.

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