
07 December 2020

Remarkable cornea donation legacy of Comfort family has given five people the gift of sight

People are being reminded of the importance of having a conversation about organ and tissue donation with their family or friends during Grief Awareness Week (2-8 December).

03 December 2020

Welsh Health Minister celebrates that ‘Opt-out organ donation scheme has transformed lives’

Five years ago Wales led the way in the UK by introducing a soft opt-out system of organ donation.

20 November 2020

Consent rates strong six months on from introduction of Max and Keira’s Law

Friday 20 November marks six months since Max and Keira’s Law (Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act 2020) came into effect in England and saw the country shift to an ‘opt out’ system for organ donation.

13 November 2020

Hindu and Jain communities spread light through Diwali arts competition

To celebrate Diwali and raise awareness of organ donation, we have joined forces with the Jain and Hindu Organ Donation Steering Group to introduce a national arts competition promoting organ donation as part of the festivities.

30 October 2020

Funding to promote organ donation among Black, Asian, mixed heritage and ethnic minority communities

New funding totalling £600,000 has been announced as part of the Government’s commitment to tackle health inequalities.

08 October 2020

NHSBT launches #IDonation Twitter campaign on World Sight Day

Currently half the number of corneas available than are needed for patients in the UK

06 October 2020

Powerful poems mark National Poetry Day

Two special organ donation themed poetry videos have been shared on social media and YouTube to mark National Poetry Day.

05 October 2020

Diwali 2020: Organ donation art competition

We are organising a national visual arts competition about promoting organ donation to celebrate Diwali.

29 September 2020

Heart transplants more than double for children during COVID-19 but dozens are still waiting for the call

The number of children receiving a heart transplant more than doubled during the first six months of the global pandemic.

23 September 2020

Reminder of ongoing need for cornea donors to mark National Eye Health Week

Justine Watson from Kent ‘forever grateful’ to the families of her cornea donors for giving her the gift of sight

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